工学博士,贵州大学 讲师/校聘副教授,硕士生导师;
担任《Surface and Coatings Technology》、《Journal of Materials Research and Technology》、《Lubrication Science》等期刊审稿人。
[1] 贵州大学基础研究项目, 贵大基础[2023]22号, 激光相变硬化-超声辅助滚压协同强化CrNi-Mo系齿轮钢微观组织及接触疲劳失效行为研究, 2024-01 至 2026-12, 在研, 主持;
[2] 贵州大学引进人才科研项目, 贵大人基合字[2023]20号, 深滚调控激光热处理合金钢组织残余应力数值仿真及时空演化机理研究, 2024-01 至 2026-12, 在研, 主持;
[3] 内燃机与动力系统全国重点实验室开放课题, WCDL-GH-2022-0168, 不同Ni含量排气门与座圈材料的高温耐磨性匹配及寿命预测研究, 2022-07 至 2024-06,在研,参与;
[4] 广东省自然科学基金面上项目, 2021A1515012394, 电致塑效应-超声振动复合辅助切削高强钛合金加工机理研究, 2021-01 至 2023-12, 结题, 参与;
[5] 广东省重点领域研发计划项目, 2020B090926003, 精密机器人用行星 摆线减速器研究与产业化, 2019-10 至 2022-10,结题, 参与;
[6] ***基础攻关科研项目,新型轴用钢表面强化处理技术研究, 2019.09~2021.04,结题,参与;
[7] 内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室开放课题,高速柴油机平底和滚轮凸轮轴挺柱磨损机理研究, skler-201705, 2017.09~2020.08,结题,参与;
[1] X. Hu, H. Guan, Z. Chen, et al. Effect of ultrasonic-assisted surface plastic deformation on the microstructures and tensile properties of discrete laser hardening treated Cr-Ni-Mo alloyed steel. 862(2022):144495. Materials Science & Engineering A. (JCR Q1区/中科院1区 TOP, IF=6.044)
[2] S. Qu, X. Hu*, F. Lu, et al. Rolling contact fatigue properties of ultrasonic surface rolling
treated 25CrNi2MoV steel under different lubricant viscosities. International Journal of Fatigue 142(2021):105970. (JCR Q1区/中科院1区 TOP, IF=5.489)
[3] X. Hu, S. Jia, F. Lai, et al. Investigation on the parameters optimization and sliding wear
behaviors under starved lubrication of discrete laser surface hardened 25CrNi2MoV steel. Tribology International. 163(2021):107176. (JCR Q1区/中科院1区 TOP, IF=5.62)
[4] X. Hu, S. Qu*, Z. Chen, et al. Rolling contact fatigue behavior of 25CrNi2MoV steel
combined treated by discrete laser surface hardening and ultrasonic surface rolling. Optics and Laser Technology, 155(2022):108370. (JCR Q1区/中科院2区, IF=4.939)
[5] X. Hu, F. Lai*, S. Qu*, et al. Effects of microstructure evolution on fretting wear behaviors
of 25CrNi2MoVE steel under different tempering states. Metals, 10.3(2020):351. (JCR Q2区/中科院3区, IF=2.695)
[6] J. Wang, S. Qu*, X. Hu*, et al. Ultra-high fatigue property and fracture mechanism of modified 20CrMoH steel by gas carburizing technology combined with shot peening treatment. International Journal of Fatigue 165(2022): 107221. (JCR Q1区/中科院1区 TOP, IF=5.489)
[7] C. Duan, S. Qu*, X. Hu*, Evaluation of the influencing factors of combined surface
modification on the rolling contact fatigue performance and crack growth of AISI 52100 steel. Wear, 494-495(2022): 204252. (JCR Q1区/中科院1区TOP, IF=4.695)
[8] S. Jia, S. Qu*, X. Hu*, et al. Study on the tribology properties of Iron-Nickel-Base NCF 3015 steel for engine valve at high temperatures. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2022): 1-13. (JCR Q4区/中科院4区) IF=2.036)
[1] 屈盛官, 胡雄风, 贾思钰, 等. 材料表面循环冲击疲劳试验装置及试验方法. ZL 202011631980.7.
[2] 屈盛官, 胡雄风, 贾思钰, 等. 高精度金属表面复合强化加工方法及装置. ZL 202011635593.0.
[3] 胡雄风, 黄福川, 唐弓斌, 等. 旋叶式压缩机. ZL 201710506080.1.
[4] 黄福川, 胡雄风, 韦开焕, 等. 用于覆盖轻质油料的玻璃微球的制作方法. ZL 201710506080.1.
[5] 黄福川, 胡雄风, 邓富康, 等. 一种环境友好高温长寿命低噪声轴承润滑脂组合物. ZL 201510428483.X.
[6] 黄福川, 胡雄风, 黄豪中, 等. 自由活塞式发动机润滑剂组合物. ZL 201510304191.5.
[7] 黄福川, 胡雄风,邓富康, 等. 微合金钢控制热轧润滑剂组合物. ZL 201510426481.7
[8] 黄福川, 胡雄风, 黄豪中, 等. 涡旋式内燃机润滑剂组合物. ZL 201510304002.4